Thinking, reading, debating and speculating
Blond Hottie

【FB1】2016EW PopFest Entertainment Weekly——K姐和小雀斑采访

1. Newt is a Hogwarts man, Tina ia an American Ilvermony girl. Not to give too much away, but what we sort of learn as we meet these characters about, what those core differences are between being a young witch or wizard in America and being a young witch or wizard in England? What is the difference there?

纽特是个霍格沃兹男巫,蒂娜是个美国伊法魔尼女巫。不透露太多,认识这些角色后我们能了解到什么,以及在美国身为年轻巫师和在英国作为年轻巫师之间的核心区别是什么? 不同之处在哪里?

K姐:I think the biggest distinction is actually the way witches and wizards interact with the muggles or as we call them "No-Majs" in America, because we're forbidden to engage with them at all. We were persecuted during the very real Salem Witch Trials and went into hiding. There's just a lof more secrecy aroud witchcraft in America. When Newt shows up, he's very casual about things we are very, very strict about.

我认为最大的区别实际上就是巫师和巫师与麻瓜互动的方式,或者我们在美国称他们为“麻鸡”,因为我们被禁止与他们交往。 我们在非常真实的塞勒姆女巫审判期间受到迫害并且躲藏起来。 在美国,巫术围绕着更多的秘密。 当纽特出现时,他对我们非常非常严格的事情很随意。

雀斑:I feel like Newt doesn't really care about rules that much anyway.


K姐:No, he doesnt. It's quite shocking to me.

不,他不在乎。 这对我来说非常震惊。

雀斑:It really irks her.


K姐:It stresses me out a bit, but also I find him really charming and engaging. So you know...

这让我感到有点压力过大,但我发现他真的很迷人,很有魅力。 所以你知道......

2. So I think we all know, I mean it's canon, spoil alertthat they get together.

K姐和雀斑:Keep the secret !

Keep the secret. But it is known that you characters do end up married in eventual, eventual future. So how dose that affect the slow dance that you do as actors playing the beginning of a romance on screen?

保密秘密。但是众所周知,你的角色最终会在最终的未来结婚。 那么,这对你们作为演员在屏幕上演绎浪漫的缓步起舞有什么影响?

雀斑: One of the things I loved about this script when I first read it is, I think J.K. Rowling had always seen it as telling a larger story, but the film is it's own thing. Actually the relationships that you see arrive in the film, they stand together as one sort of whole piece. But What I love is that the relationship starts kind of...

当我第一次看到这个剧本时,我喜欢这个剧本的一个原因是,我认为J.K. 罗琳一直认为它讲的是一个更大的故事,但电影是独立的个体。 实际上,你看到在电影看到的这些关系,它们作为一种整体而存在。我很喜欢的是这段关系一开始有些......



雀斑:Yeah, it's not love at first sight put it that way. Maybe there's a bit chemistry at first sight, but it's quite combative. But what was lovely was to play a slow build, to be able to play this kind of — these characters are thrown into a world, this quartet together. They're all outsiders in some ways, and yet they have really heroic qualities within them. So it's kind of lovely for us to not rush that and be able to play it slow.

是的,可以说并非一见钟情。或许初遇时有点火花,但还是很针锋相对。但美好的是演绎一段循序渐进的故事,能够扮演这种——这些角色被抛入一个世界,这个四人组一起。 他们在某些方面都是局外人,但他们内在的确有英雄品质。 因此,对我们来说,不急于发展,并且能够慢慢演绎它是很美妙的。

K姐:You know that eventually you know these two people end up together. So you can see and look for when they start to notice each other, you know what I mean? Because you're in on it in a way that I think is really fun. I feel like there's a lot in this movie of us kind of like...Oh that tragic stuff where you look at someone and they're not looking at you and then you look away and then they look at you. So there's like all of that sort of stuff going on.

你知道这两个人最终会在一起。 因此,当他们开始注意到彼此时,你可以见证并寻找他们开始注意对方的时刻,你知道我的意思吗? 因为你们以一种我认为非常有趣的方式参与其中。我感觉这部电影里很多时候我们就像是……产生了那种悲剧的情况,你看着某个人,但他没在看你,等你视线移开,他却看到了你。所以故事里这些情景都在上演。

3. Katherine I want to know a little bit more about Tina. When we meet her, she is an Auror, although maybe not what she used to be...


K姐:Yeah, she's been demoted. she's had a slap on the wrists.


What do you love about kind of where we will see her, but especially where she starts out. What struck you about her kind of beginning of her arc there?


K姐:Yeah, I mean it's one of the lovely things that... I think Newt and Tina have in common is that both are really passionate about their work and their interests. It's where they kind of come alive. So for her, to have the place where she's most comfortable taken from her is very uncomfortable for her. So she wants to be a great Auror, but she also really wants to get back in the swing of things, because that's where she feels the best. She's really striving to kind of undo the damage she's done, but she has so much heart and sometimes there are situations that compelled her to maybe bend or break the rules, even though all she wants is to get back in good graces at work. So she's kind of got this internal struggle going on there. But what's also amazing in the couse of the film is that because...I think that Newt sees her potential and kind of encourages her to get back into doing some pretty badass witchcraft.


4. Tell me a little bit. Was there a moment on set when Katherine you felt like you and Alison were conecting as sister?


K姐:For me, it's actually in the audition. We had done a couple days of different parings with different people. It was really nerve-wrecking. Then they brought us in, me and Alison, and they said, "Ok, now we're just gonna do an improv. Just sit down on that couch like you are hanging out at home. You're sisters." So we were sitting on the couch. Our parents are dead in the movie. Something came up where we were talking about boys. Then I said that I missed mom and I got kind of verklempt. She started sort of braiding my hair. Then, I don't know, something happened, because she's a Legilimence in the movie, so she can read my mind and I always thought there is something about sisters that's kind of like that. They often kind of know what you're thinkng or if you're thinking of something. I just had this feeling that she knew that I had this crush on this guy [Newt] and I just said suddenly, "Stop reading my mind! It's so annoying!" Just so there's something in that moment and she felt bad but she smiled at me and we were like really connected in that moment. It sounds so dopey saying this, but it felt really genuine and easy with her. Then of couse it was like three weeks before I was just panicking that maybe they wouldn't hire both of us. I mean obviously I was worried they wouldn't hire me, but I was also worried they wouldn't hire her, cos I just love that moment and the connection we had there.


5. Inside Newt's case, what we just saw was such a good example of a description that reads one way on a page in J.K Rowling's words and then takes on such a new life on screen. I wanna ask a little bit about her as a screenwriter. What strcuk you about the descriptions that she might gave for something like that scene. Just sort of how it kind of blows you away in a sense?


雀斑:Well, I think two things. Firstly the script when you read it. When you read quite a lof of scripts, quite often it's just the dialogue that palys the piece. One of the most wonderful things about reading the script for "Fantastic Beasts" is all the things in between, that the descriptions are so full and so alive. Totally hypnotic. The experience for reading the script was pretty mind-blowing. So all of that details in there. But at the same time she allows you to go and bring you own things to it. So in that scene, for example, I go on met this dude who tracks creatures for a living and he took me into this forest and she showed all all this grasses and herbs and like antidotes. If you get stung by this, you can do that. Originally in the film, you just put pills in it. Then I said this guy does all these stuff with like rubbing herbs together and putting spit in it. They were like "Great, use it."  So, there's this sort of wonderful thing by which you were allowed. She's written it all, but she also allows you freedom to play within it.


6. This question is for Eddie. Going back to one talk, you mentioned that Newt wouldn't have a wand made of leather or made of horn or any kin of animal product. Do you think if Newt was a Muggle or an No-maj, he would be an animal rights activist?

这个问题是给埃迪的。 回到之前的谈话,你提到纽特不会有皮革、兽角,或任何动物产品制成的魔杖。 你认为假如纽特是一个麻瓜或者麻鸡,他会成为动物权利权益保护者吗?

雀斑:Well, interesting, like almost certainly, but at the same point, he respects like eco-systems. As you saw in that clip when he goes down to his case, there's a carcass of meat that he's like sort of... He understands the need for all the animals to be fed. So I think he would definitely be an activist for sure, because he IS in some way like... In the magical world, the fantastic beasts are seen as a threat for giving away that wizards exist. but he believes with the proper education plan and the system, then everyone should [be out and] live together in harmony. But a lot of people don't agree. But no, I would say so.

嗯,有趣,几乎肯定是,但同时,他尊重生态系统。 正如你在那个片段中看到的那样,当他走到他的箱子下时,他把畜肉扔出去......他明白所有动物的喂养需要。 所以我认为他肯定会成为一名活动人士,因为他在某种程度上就像是......在魔法的世界里,神奇动物被视为一种暴露巫师存在的威胁。 但是他相信通过适当的教育计划和制度,每个生命都应该和谐地生活在一起。 但很多人不同意。 不过,我觉得他会是。

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