Thinking, reading, debating and speculating
Blond Hottie

【FB1】Magical Movie Handbook 整理

Newton "Newt" Scamander  牛顿 ·“纽特”·斯卡曼德

Background 背景

Newt grew up in England, and fell in love wtih fantastic beasts at an early age. He attended Hogwarts, where he was placed in Hufflepuff house. He enjoyed learning about the training of magical creatures, as did his close freind Leta Lestrange. But one day, Leta went too far with an experiment that ended up endangering a fellow student's life. Instead of allowing his good freind to get expelled. New took the balme for Leta and was expelled in her place.

纽特在英格兰长大,从小就爱上神奇动物。 他就学于霍格沃茨,在那里他被分到赫奇帕奇学院。与亲密好友莉塔·莱斯特兰奇一样,他喜欢学习训练魔法动物。 但是有一天,莉塔做的实验太过头,最终危及了同学的生命。 为了使他的好朋友免遭开除。 纽特为莉塔承担了罪名,并代替她被开除。

Dragon Master 驯龙师

During the Great War, Newt performed his patriotic duty working in the Beast Division for the Ministry of Magic wrangling Ukrainian Ironbelly dragons. Afterward, he was commmisoned to write a tome on magical creatures, and has been traveling the globe ever since, compling notes.

一战期间,纽特行使了他的爱国职责,为魔法部的野兽部门工作,训练乌克兰铁腹龙。 此后,他得到委托写一本关于魔法生物的书,并且从那以后一直在环球旅行,整理笔记。

Magizoology 魔法生物学

Newt studies Magizoology. He discoveres and further studies magical creautres from around the world to better educate the wizarding community. Often, many of these beasts are endangered or on the verge of extinction, and Newt comes to their rescue. He's set up peaceful habitats in his case for each rescued beast to live freely, and cares for them as deeply as if they were their own mother.

纽特研究魔法动物学。 他发现和进一步研究世界各地的魔法生物,以更好地教育巫师社会。 通常,许多野兽都受到威胁或濒临灭绝,纽特则来拯救它们。 他在箱子中建立了安详的栖息地,以使每只获救的野兽都能自由生活,并像母亲一样深切地关照着它们。

Porpentina "Tina" Goldtein 波尔蓬蒂娜· “蒂娜”·戈德斯坦

Background 背景

Early in Tina's life, her parents succumbed to Dragon Pox, leaving Tina and her younger sister, Queenie, on their won. Tina went on to develope her magical skills at Ilvermony School of Witch craft and Wizardry, the North Amercian academic institution for young witches and wizards. Tina is an astute observer, which, combined with her hard work ethic, made her an excellent MACUSA Auror.

蒂娜幼年时期,她的父母死于龙痘,她和妹妹奎妮成为孤儿。之后蒂娜在北伊法魔尼魔法学校,北美培养青少年巫师的机构,发展魔法技能。 蒂娜是一位机敏的观察者,再加上她勤奋的职业操守,她成为了MACUSA杰出的傲罗。

Audacious Auror 胆大的傲罗

As an Auror, Tina excelled at investigating cromes against the wizarding community. However, her unwillingness to move past one particular, controversial case - despte the instruction of her superiors - led to her eventual demotion to the Wand Permit Office.

作为傲罗,蒂娜擅长调查针对巫师社会的犯罪。 然而,她不愿意放弃一个特殊的,有争议的案件——尽管上级指示如此——导致她最终降级到魔杖许可证办公室。

Spell Book 魔咒

Since her previous employing required Tina to snoop around buildings and crowds, and become highly skilled at observing others, her repertoire of spells includes anything that keeps her unseen or unheard by those she's observing. Like all witches and wizards, if she is discovered, Tina can obliviate any memory of her presence from a No-Maj mind.

由于蒂娜以前的工作要求她在建筑物和人群旁打探,并变得非常善于观察其他人,因此她的魔咒大全包括任何让她不被她在观察的人看见或听见的咒语。 像所有巫师一样,如果蒂娜被发现,她可以从麻鸡的脑海中消除关于她存在的任何记忆。

Keeping the Scent 追踪

Tina continues to keep close watch over the Second Salmers, a group of people who have made it their life's work to root out witchcraft and wizardry. It will take more than a demotion to stop Tina from doing the job she was born to do.

蒂娜继续密切注视着第二塞勒姆,这是一群以根除巫术为人生使命的人。 要阻止蒂娜干她天生的工作,一次降职可不够。

Second Chance 第二次机会

After Newt and Jacob finally get the erumpent back into Newt's case, Tina closes it with them inside and presents it to the International Confederation of Witches and Wizards at MACUSA - hoping that this act will lead to her reinstatement as an Auror. President Picquery isn't so forgiving, however, and Tina and Newt are reprimanded and sent to Graves for sentencing.

在纽特和雅各布终于让毒角兽回到纽特的箱子里之后,蒂娜把它们关在里面,并向MACUSA的国际巫师联合会展示——希望这一举动能够使她复职为傲罗。 不过,皮奎里主席并不那么宽容,因此,蒂娜和纽特遭到了谴责,并交由格雷夫斯审判。

Jacob Kowalski 雅各布·科瓦尔斯基

Background 背景

Though Jacob is Polish by birth, he desires nothing more than to live the American dream: to get married and start his own business. But Jacob doesn't have the money to open his own bakery, so he finds himself stuck at an dead-end job at a canning factory.

尽管雅各布是波兰裔,但他最渴望实现美国梦:结婚并开始自己的事业。 但是雅各布没有钱开自己的面包店,所以他陷入了在罐头厂工作的死胡同中。

Over There 海外

While in Europe, Jaocb fought for the American Expenditionary Force in the Great War. He remained in Europe until mid-1920s before coming back to New York, dreaming of bringing Polish pastries to the States.

在欧洲期间,雅克布为一战中的美国远征军作战。 他在欧洲留到1920年代中期,然后才回到纽约,梦想着把波兰糕点带到美国。

Jacob's Apartment 雅各布的公寓

Jacob Kowalski dwells in a Polish neighbourhood on the lower east side.


Many of the immigrants from the early 1900s did not have the resources to afford adequate housing, forcing them to find shelter in cheaply constructed, multistory apartement building called tenements. These tenements were often unsanitary and unsafe.

1900年代初期的许多移民都没有足够的资金来支付完好的住房,这迫使他们不得不在廉价的多层公寓楼(称为廉租公寓)中寻找住所。 这些廉租公寓通常不卫生也不安全。

Queenie Goldstein 奎妮·戈德斯坦

Background 背景

Queenie grew up under her older sister Tina's wing after their parents died. Like her sister, Queenie attedned Ilvermony School of Withccraft and Wizardry, and later got a job at MACUSA in the Wand Permit Office.

父母死后,奎妮在姐姐蒂娜的庇护下长大。 和她的姐姐一样,奎妮就读于伊法魔尼魔法学校,后来在MACUSA的魔杖许可证办公室工作。

Legilimens 摄神取念者

Queenie has a very special power, Legilimency, which allows her to read other people's minds. While clairvoyance seems like a gift at first, Queenie quickly learned that you don't always want to know what everyone around you is thinking all the time.

奎妮具有一种非常特殊的力量, 摄神取念,这使她能够阅读他人的思想。 尽管洞察力一开始似乎是一种礼物,但奎妮很快就了解到,你并不总是想知道周围的人一直在想什么。

Spellbook 魔咒

Queenie had adopted basic locomotion spells to weave thread into clothing for dressmaking. She also mastered the art of automating complicated recipes. But her charms extend far beyond wichcraft - her warm and friendly personality is spellbinding on its own!

奎妮运用基本的运动咒语,将线织成衣服进行裁缝。 她还精通制作复杂食谱的艺术。 但是她的魅力远不止巫术——她热情友好的性格本身就令人着迷!

Supportive Sister 给予支持的妹妹

As the sisters grew older, their positions reversed. Queenie started looking after Tina, who could sometimes become fixated on her Job. Queenie is supportive of her sister's passions, but she tries to keep her out of trouble.

随着姐妹长大,他们的角色发生了变化。 奎妮开始照顾蒂娜,后者有时可能全神贯注于她的工作。 奎妮支持姐姐的热情,但努力使她避免麻烦。

Fashion Icon 时尚标杆

The world of Fashion sparks Queenie's passion, and she likes to keep up with the latest trends, making a stylish wardorbe is expensive, so Queenie weaves her own clothes on a dressmaker's dummy, using fashion magazines as inspiration and her wand as a magic needle.


Goldstein Residence 戈德斯坦住所

Tina and Queenie rent an apartment in an old brownstone. It's not luxurious by any means, but the two sisters fill it with their favorite things, which gaves it warmth and a homey appeal all its own.

蒂娜和奎妮在老布朗斯通租了一间公寓。 无论如何它都不算奢华,但是两个姐妹在公寓里摆满了自己最喜欢的东西,这给它带来了温暖和温馨的感觉。

Seraphina Picquery 瑟拉菲娜·皮奎里

Background 背景

Seraphina's charisma and leadership skills made her a natural to climb the political ladder of MACUSA.  She reached its highest rung when her fellow wizards elected her as President of the organization.

瑟拉菲娜的魅力和领导才能使她很自然地爬上MACUSA的政治阶梯。 当她的巫师同伴选举她为该组织的主席时,她达到了最高的级别。

No War 没有战争

Seraphina sets her chief priority as avoiding unnecessary war with the No-Majs, as such a confrontation would devastate the peace that has held for centuries. She wants to conceal the existence of witches and wizards from the No-Maj community to avoid violence and retaliation.

瑟拉菲娜将避免与麻鸡进行不必要的战争作为她的首要任务,因为这种对抗将破坏已有数百年之久的和平。 她想在麻鸡社会中隐藏巫师的存在,以避免暴力和报复。

Troublesome Tina 棘手的蒂娜

Seraphina keeps an eye an all the happenings at MACUSA, which is why she is not happy to learn that Tina Goldstein is acting beyond her authority. The President bluntly rebukes her in front of the MACUSA community, reinforcing the notion that Tina cannot be trusted.

瑟拉菲娜密切关注MACUSA的所有情况,这就是为什么她不高兴得知蒂娜·戈德斯坦在她的权威之外行动。 这位主席在MACUSA成员面前直言不讳地谴责她,强化了蒂娜不可信任的观念。

Swift Justice 快速的正义

Seraphina needs to maintain control and order over the magical community, so when Newt's beasts starts getting out of hand and thought to be destroying the city, she is quick to put her foot down. She gives Newt an infraction, charges Tina as an accessory, and then sends them off to her trusted counselor, Pricival Graves. But Graves wants a stricter punishment; He sentences them both to death.

瑟拉菲娜需要维持魔法社会的控制和秩序,因此,当纽特的野兽开始失控并被认为正在摧毁这座城市时,她很快就会放下脚步。 她判定纽特违规,指控蒂娜为共犯,然后将其交由值得信赖的顾问珀西瓦尔·格雷夫斯。 但是格雷夫斯想要更严厉的惩罚。 他将他们俩判处死刑。

Percival Graves 珀西瓦尔·格雷夫斯

True Agenda 真正的意图

President Picquery finds Graves's exceptional skills of great use, and she values him as one of her most trusted advisors. But it's hard to know what's beyond Graves's self-assured exterior, and where his true loyalties lie.

皮奎里主席发现克雷夫斯出色的技能非常有用,她认为格雷夫斯是她最值得信赖的顾问之一。 但是,很难知道格雷夫斯自信的外表之下还有什么,以及他真正忠诚于什么。

On the Hunt 追捕中

Graves is looking for what he believes to be the cause of the current destrcution around New York, an Obscurus, and has enlisted Credence's help to track it down. Graves believes that because Credence has ties to the NSPS, which is trying to root out all witchcraft, he would make a useful ally.

格雷夫斯一直在寻找他认为是纽约破坏的原因,一个默默然,并已寻求克雷登斯的帮助对其进行追踪。 格雷夫斯认为,由于克雷登斯与试图消灭所有巫术的第二塞勒姆慈善协会有联系,他将成为一个有用的盟友。

Mary Lou Barebone 玛丽·露·拜尔本

Mary Lou Barebone is a vigilant crusader agaist wichcraft and wizardry. She blames the recent destruction in the city on black magic, and organizes rallies to promote her cause. She coerces poor children into spreading her messages of hatred and fear in exchange for a hot meal.

玛丽·露·拜尔本是一个警惕的反对巫术的斗士。 她将最近在这座城市的破坏归咎于黑魔法,并组织集会来宣传自己的事业。 她强迫可怜的孩子们散布仇恨和恐惧的信息,以换取一顿热饭。

Credence Barebone 克雷登斯·拜尔本

Percival Graves, a MACUSA Auror, comes to Credence asking for help. Graves thinks that one of the children may have an Obscurus, as many odd happenings have occurred around the NSPS. In the meantime, Graves promises to make Crednece part of a family who accept him for who he truly is.

MACUSA傲罗,珀西瓦尔·格雷夫斯找到克雷登斯寻求帮助。 格雷夫斯认为其中一个孩子可能身负默默然,因为第二塞勒姆慈善协会周围发生了许多奇怪的事情。 同时,格雷夫斯保证让克雷登斯成为接受他真实身份的家庭的一员。

The Obscurus 默默然

The international Confederation does not agree with Newt's allegation that an Obscurus is behind the wave of desruction in New York. To their knowledge, such an dangerous creatures hasn't existed in the United States for over 200 years.

国际联合会不同意纽特的指称:纽约破坏风波的背后默默然是罪魁祸首。 据他们所知,这种危险的生物在美国已经不存在200多年了。

An Obscurus is the repressed energy of a child who is forced to hide his or her magical talent. This energy can manifest itself as an entity on its own that can erupt in violent, devastating fury.

默默然是被迫隐藏其魔法才能的孩子的压抑能量。 这种能量可以自己呈现一个实体,可以爆发出暴力、毁灭性的愤怒。

Newt knows the Obscurus is no myth. When travelling Sudan, he encountered an Obscurial, an eight year old girl. When the girl died, he captured her Obscurus and put it in a small black box so he could study it safely.

纽特知道默默然不是传说。 在苏丹旅行时,他遇到了一个八岁的默然者女孩。 女孩死后,他抓获了她的默默然,并将其放在一个小黑匣子中,以便可以安全地研究它。

Magical Congress of the United States of America 美利坚魔法国会

An owl swoops down from its prominent perch atop the exterior of the Woolworth Building, spinning revolving doors and allowing witches and Wizards entry into the MACUSA lobby, once side, two regal gold Phoenix statues greet all entrants.


A large, gear driven dial gauges the threat level for the wizarding community. When Newt and Tina enter the building, the hand on the dial points to  SEVERE: UNEXPLAINED ACTIVITY due to mysterious attacks disrupting New York City.

大型齿轮驱动的表可以衡量巫师社会的威胁程度。 当纽特和蒂娜进入大楼时,表盘上的指针指向严重;未知活动,这是由于神秘袭/击扰乱了纽约市。

What scares the leaders of MACUSA the most is their potential exposure to the No-Maj world. If wizards and witches are discovered to be more than rumors - if they're found out by No-Majs to exist - it could lead to hysteria and conflict far worse than anything in history.

MACUSA领导人最害怕的是他们面对麻鸡世界的潜在暴露。 如果发现巫师不仅仅是谣言——如果麻鸡发现巫师存在,那么这可能会导致远比历史上的任何事情都糟糕的恐慌和冲突。

Congressional Chamber 国会厅

A tapestry hanging over the presidential chair is emblazoned with the symbols of MACUSA - a Phoenix rising out of a sunburst.


Macusa representatives and delegates from the International Confederation convene in the Pentagram Office with President Picquery to discuss matters of International importance.


The international delegates join in the President Picquery's questioning of Newt Scamnder. Whle all listen intently to the interrogation, noone speak out in the Magizoologist's defense, or in agreement with Newt's assertion that an Obscurus, not his escaped creatures, are behind the strange occurences in New York.

国际代表参加了皮奎里主席对纽特·斯卡曼德的审问。 当所有人都专心聆听审讯时,没人为魔法生物学家辩护,或者同意纽特的断言,即在纽约发生怪事的原因是默默然,而不是他逃跑的生物。

Wand Permit Office 魔杖许可办公室

MACUSA wizarding legislation states that a wizard or witch can't wield a wand in America without a permit. This office issues and records all such licenses. Tina and Queenie Goldstein work here in a space barely larger than a closet, stacked full of applications that need processing.

MACUSA巫师立法规定,巫师未经许可不得在美国挥舞魔杖。 该办公室签发并记录所有此类许可证。 蒂娜和奎妮·戈德斯坦在仅仅比壁橱更大的空间里工作,里面堆满了需要处理的申请表。

Executioner's song 行刑者之歌

After Percival Graves finishes questioning Newt and Tina in the interrogation room, he sends them to underground cells where they await execution.


The Big Apple 纽约

New York was the cultural, financial, and industrial capital of the United States during the 1920s. From all across the world, people left their homes to start a new life in America's biggest city.

纽约是1920年代美国的文化、金融和工业之都。 来自世界各地的人们离开家园,在美国最大的城市开始新的生活。

Jazz music, roadsters, nightclubs, and a fast-paced lifestyle made the 1920s "roar" after the bleak years of the Great War.


Newspaper and magazines frequently presented an era of economic prosperity to their readers. Everybody seems to be living large and having fun. Yet for millions of Amercians, this was an illusion. The working poor suffered as they had in years past, dreaming big but rarely able to acquire the resources to achieve those dreams as was the case with Jaocb and his dreams of owning his own bakery.

报纸和杂志经常向他们的读者呈现一个经济繁荣的时代。 每个人似乎都过着快乐的生活。 然而,对于成千上万的美国人来说,这是一种假象。 劳动的穷人像往年一样遭受苦难,尽管梦想很宏大,但很少能获得资源来实现这些梦想,就像雅各布和拥有自己的面包店的梦想一样。

Many immigrants are hoping for a piece of the American dream, but upon arrival, find themselves earning mere pennies in deplorable conditions. Many are forced to do difficult physical labor, or work in unsafe and dangerous factories.

许多移民希望分得美国梦的一杯羹,但到了美国后,发现自己在恶劣的条件下只能赚微薄的收入。 许多人被迫从事艰苦的体力劳动,或在不安全和危险的工厂中工作。

Woolworth Building 伍尔沃兹大楼

Gargoyles ornament the building's terra-cotta exterior, such as corner owl. For those with the proper wizarding heredity, the owl is no stone decorstion - it can recognize wizards and witches and lead them to a magical world, the Magical Congress of the United States of America.

滴水兽着装饰建筑物的赤陶外观,例如角落的猫头鹰。 对于有天生的魔法能力的人来说,猫头鹰不是石制装饰品——它可以识别巫师,并把他们带到一个魔法的世界,即美国魔法国会。

NSPS Church 第二塞勒姆慈善协会

Mary Lou Barebone utilizes a formerly abandoned church as both a home and the headquarter for the New Salem Philanthropic Society movement.


Department Store 百货商店

A magical charm that Newt sends out to locate the other escaped beasts leads him and Tina to a large departemnt store. These two share a special moment under a Chirstmas tree before discovering that Dougal, an invisible Demiguise, is there to watch over Newt's newly hatched Occamy.

纽特发射了魔咒以寻找其他逃脱的野兽,他和蒂娜被带到了一家大型百货商店。 这两个人在圣诞节树下共享了一个特殊的时刻,然后才发现隐形兽杜戈在那儿照看着纽特的新生蛇鸟。


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