Thinking, reading, debating and speculating
Blond Hottie

Robert Sheehan:

Well, I think Tom, it's a really jarring journey that he goes through because when he discovers the world beyond London literally after he gets off the big bohemiath land fairy and finds himself out in the big bad world, he has to contend with the fact that his whole way of life, his whole righteousness, that sense of——this is the right way to live,Tractionism, has all been distortion. It hasn't necessarily been a full lie. I mean he can understand the necessity of how people live, but he understands the kind of story that's been spun for Londoners, you know, the propaganda that he's swallowed in his entire life and I think he has to kind of recontexualise himself in the greater world and so that was for a guy who just loves being really useful, you know, have a utility to exist, a function. So that was very interesting for me, you know and listen I really like the moment, I'm boasting now, but I really like the moment in the London tire track where Tom suddenly goes' oh, he pushed me.' and suddenly the whole thing dawns on he just like' God, this person wasn't what I thought he was. London isn't what I thought it was.' So it was really... All that was really fun for me.

Tom经历了一段跌宕起伏的旅程。因为当他发现了伦敦之外的世界,在他离开伦敦这座巨大的仙境之城, 置身于广袤又险恶的世界之时,他必须应对一个事实:他整个生活方式,他所有的正义感,那种这才是正确的生存之道的感觉, 所谓牵引主义,全都是曲解。这不一定是彻头彻尾的谎言。他理解人们这种生活方式的必须性,但是他明白那是为伦敦人编造的故事,他一生都在接受那种政治宣传。我认为他必须重新适应这个更广阔的世界。作为一个喜欢让自己保持很大用处,有生存能力,能发挥作用的人,这就是他要做的。所以对我来说这非常有趣,并且我很喜欢,我在炫耀,不过我很喜欢的一刻是在伦敦的轮子痕迹里面,Tom突然意识到‘天啊,他把我推下去了。’ 他茅塞顿开‘天啊,这个人不是我以为的那样。伦敦不是我想象的那样。’所以这真的……对于我来说一切都很有意思。

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